POLYMER not using case-2 mode in case-2 water?

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POLYMER not using case-2 mode in case-2 water?

Post by eli_tes »


I am processing OLCI images of a coastal coccolithophore bloom, and I noticed that none of the pixels inside the bloom are flagged as "CASE2". That surprised me since I would definitely consider these to be case-2 waters, it was very turbid (secchi depth ~1m). Is there a reason why POLYMER would not work in case-2 mode, or could I force it to case-2 mode somehow and see what happens?
I'm using version 4.15!

Thank you for any help or advice:)
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Re: POLYMER not using case-2 mode in case-2 water?

Post by fsteinmetz »

The "CASE2" flag in Polymer is not dedicated to the detection of case 2 water, but is an internal flag which indicates if the algorithm works in "case 2 mode", which involves a second iteration round, and should be triggered mostly over turbid waters, but not always.
This flag also does not indicates any improved or reduced performance of the algorithm. This flag may disappear from future versions of Polymer.
Kind regards,
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