output nLw using POLYMER

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output nLw using POLYMER

Post by gbourdin »

Hi all,
Is there any way to output nLw using POLYMER?
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Re: output nLw using POLYMER

Post by fsteinmetz »

Dear Guillaume,

Not directly - to get the normalized water leaving radiance, you would have to multiply the normalized water reflectance provided by Polymer, by F0 (extraterrestrial solar irradiance at mean Sun-Earth distance) and divide by pi.
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Re: output nLw and Ed using POLYMER

Post by gbourdin »

Hi François,
Thank you I managed to get nLw from Rw and the extraterrestrial solar flux.
I am now trying to get Ed(0-).
I would need to account for tau_rayleigh, tau_gases and tau_aerosol to attenuate F0 through the atmosphere. I believe I can get tau_rayleigh from the surface pressure (sp), and tau gases from total column ozone (tco3) and total column water vapour (tcwv) in the ancillary data files, but I would also need tau_aerosol that is probably used somewhere in "run_atm_corr" to correct for aerosols.
Is there an easy way to get tau_aerosol from Polymer or an easier way to get Ed directly?
Thank you,
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