What does bbs represent?
Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2022 7:52 am
When the default water model is used (Park & Ruddick 2005), what does the Polymer's output band bbs actually represent?
It is named bbs (backscattering coefficient of suspended solids) in the output without any band description, but it is being optimized in the value range −3 ... 3. However, negative backscattering coefficients are not physically reasonable. Looking at water.pyx, lines 369 ... 387, it seems to be the log base 10 of a parameter named fb in the code, which acts like the concentration of suspended matter in the bio-optic model.
Am I right to suggest that bbs is not actually bbs in the P&R05 model?
When the default water model is used (Park & Ruddick 2005), what does the Polymer's output band bbs actually represent?
It is named bbs (backscattering coefficient of suspended solids) in the output without any band description, but it is being optimized in the value range −3 ... 3. However, negative backscattering coefficients are not physically reasonable. Looking at water.pyx, lines 369 ... 387, it seems to be the log base 10 of a parameter named fb in the code, which acts like the concentration of suspended matter in the bio-optic model.
Am I right to suggest that bbs is not actually bbs in the P&R05 model?