About Polymer

Algorithm aimed at recovering the radiance scattered and absorbed by the oceanic waters (also called Ocean Colour) from the signal measured by satellite sensors in the visible spectrum.
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About Polymer

Post by fsteinmetz »

Polymer is an atmospheric correction algorithm developed by Hygeos, aimed at recovering the radiance scattered and absorbed by the oceanic waters (also called Ocean Colour) from the signal measured by satellite sensors in the visible spectrum. It has been applied to multiple sensors from ESA (MERIS/ENVISAT, MSI/Sentinel-2 and OLCI/Sentinel-3), NASA (SeaWiFS, MODIS/Aqua, VIIRS), and the Korean Geostationary Ocean Colour Imager (GOCI).

Polymer is free to use for non-commercial applications. Its terms of use are available at this address.

The latest changelog can be accessed at this address