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by fsteinmetz
Thu Nov 01, 2018 9:10 pm
Forum: Releases
Topic: Smart-G v0.9.1
Replies: 0
Views: 70051

Smart-G v0.9.1

Smart-G v0.9.1 is available. By downloading the software, you agree to the licence terms and conditions . This version has the following changelog: * Add compilation support for additional architectures, including GeForce 20xx series (Turing). * Fix OPAC phase function interpolation * Add aerosol a...
by fsteinmetz
Thu Sep 20, 2018 2:55 pm
Forum: Releases
Topic: Smart-G v0.9
Replies: 0
Views: 69540

Smart-G v0.9

Smart-G v0.9 is available. By downloading the software, you agree to the licence terms and conditions . The software is available as python source code and cuda kernels in binary form. Information about the installation can be found in This is the first public release, please consider it...
by fsteinmetz
Thu Sep 20, 2018 1:15 pm
Forum: SMART-G
Topic: About SMART-G
Replies: 0
Views: 66199


SMART-G ( Speed-Up Monte Carlo Advanced Radiative Transfer using GPU ) is an advanced radiative transfer code. Initially co-developed by HYGEOS for CNES to simulate how the light propagates in the atmosphere and ocean, SMART-G is now continuously upgraded by HYGEOS. Features: Monte Carlo solver Acco...
by fsteinmetz
Thu Sep 20, 2018 10:15 am
Forum: Releases
Topic: Polymer v4.8
Replies: 0
Views: 39772

Polymer v4.8

Polymer v4.8 is available.

By downloading Polymer you agree to the licence terms and conditions.

The complete changelog is available at this address
by fsteinmetz
Thu Sep 20, 2018 9:55 am
Forum: Polymer
Topic: About Polymer
Replies: 0
Views: 53129

About Polymer

Polymer is an atmospheric correction algorithm developed by Hygeos, aimed at recovering the radiance scattered and absorbed by the oceanic waters (also called Ocean Colour) from the signal measured by satellite sensors in the visible spectrum. It has been applied to multiple sensors from ESA (MERIS/...